下面你会找到许多常见问题的答案. 如果你有其他问题, 请不要犹豫,拨打601与住宿生活部联系.877.6478 or (电子邮件保护).
- All fulltime 学生 attending the university under the age of 21 who have completed 59 or fewer hours prior to the first day of classes for the term and are not living at the primary residence of their parents or legal guardians within a 40 mile radius of the university are required to reside on campus and participate in a meal plan.
- Attaining the age requirement does not void the contractual agreements made for housing; provided, 然而, that a student who will attain the age of 21 prior to the first day of classes for the following spring semester may request a one semester housing contract/and further provided that a student under 21 who satisfactorily completes 60 or more hours during the first semester may be released from the second semester of the housing contract.
- 在处理申请之前,需要支付不可退还的申请费. A student who is a military veteran with at least two years of service is exempted from these housing requirements. 与配偶同住的已婚学生不受这些住房要求的限制. A single parent may also be exempted from these housing requirements if their child lives with them.
- 满足40英里半径的学生必须填写校外居住许可表. The form must be signed by student, parent or legal guardian, Notary and bear the seal of the Notary.
A:我们鼓励你把宿舍布置得尽可能舒适. 这可以通过带窗帘、地毯、照片、海报来完成. 电视站, 小沙发或椅子(希拉姆·雷维尔·约翰·伯勒斯), 女荣誉和学生护理(限), 书架, 箱包, 灯或冰箱(6立方英尺), 最大). 你也可以带上你的电视, 立体声, DVD播放器, gaming system alarm clock or personal computer (desktop or laptop) to help spruce up your room. 如果你喜欢,你也可以带一个空气爆米花机,电饭煲,或咖啡壶. 请注意,微波炉和冰箱只允许在约翰布鲁斯, 希兰狂欢, 女性荣誉和学生护理. Microwaves and refrigerators are provided in each suite in the Medgar Wiley Evers Heritage Village Complex.
答:以下物品不允许带入宿舍:卤素灯, 乔治·福尔曼烧烤, 烤面包机, 蜡烛和香, 装饰酒精瓶, 热板, 用砂锅, 烤箱, 三明治制造商, 任何种类的煎锅, 熔岩灯和微波炉(如果你住在Medgar Wiley Evers Heritage Village Complex).
A:你不允许携带烹饪物品, 比如上面列出的那些, 在任何宿舍由于消防安全.
A:不,你没有宵禁. 当您到达学校时,您将获得学生证(金卡)。. This card will act as your key to your residence hall allowing you to come and go as you please. 然而,宿舍有一个访问政策. 学生和客人必须遵守访问政策,详见学生手册.
A: Yes, you are required to purchase a meal plan if you live in one of the residence halls on campus. 膳食计划更改只能在每学期开始前更改. 注册完成后,膳食计划不能更改.
A:所有的作业都是在七月的第一周左右完成并寄出的. 如果你有室友要求, please make sure that both you and your requested roommate have requested each other with our office. 除非你和你的室友互相请求,否则你的室友请求不会被批准.
A:不,住在宿舍里有很多免费的设施供你享受. 其中一些包括有线电视, 互联网, 电, 水, 电影频道和娱乐节目以RA的形式出现. Laundry facilities are located in each residence hall; 学生 must have money on their Gold Card in order to use the facilities.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where help is needed you may contact your RA RD or Area Coordinator, 宿舍生活人员24小时随叫随到. 如果发生紧急情况,我们也可以拨打3000联系亚利桑那州立大学警察局.